Hey hackers! Here’s some helpful info to kickstart your journey with Hashi development.

Tell me more about Hashi

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Hashi is a robust and innovative EVM hash oracle aggregator designed to significantly enhance the security of cross-chain applications. It leverages multiple independent oracles to validate and verify block headers and messages across different blockchain networks, ensuring a more secure and reliable way to facilitate interactions between chains.


To learn more about Hashi, check out https://crosschain-alliance.gitbook.io/hashi

Build with Hashi

  1. Hashi template offers a set of smart contracts, deploy scripts, and off chain components that supports Hardhat and Foundry. There are two major use cases for Hashi:
    1. Message Dispatching: Dispatching message from source chain and execute the message on target chain.
    2. State Verifying: Verifying a storage proof or event proof from source chain on target chain.


Which blockchains & oracles do Hashi support?

  1. Hashi supports major mainnet & testnet. Supported testnets:

    1. Ethereum Sepolia
    2. Gnosis Chiado
    3. Arbitrum Sepolia
    4. Base Sepolia
    5. Unichain Sepolia
    6. Worldchain Sepolia
    7. Polygon Amoy

    Supported oracles on testnets:

    1. LayerZero

    For more informations about the routes, check out:

    Supported Testnet

Reference & Tool

  1. Deployed contracts: https://crosschain-alliance.gitbook.io/hashi/deployments/blockchains
  2. Hashi explorer: https://hashi-explorer.xyz/
  3. Hashi repository: https://github.com/gnosis/hashi

Reach out

If you have any questions about Hashi, feel free to join Hashi Builder Telegram group.